
SSG Contractor Safety

SSG Contractor Safety is an online safety course for industry contractors. The course provides basic expertise and enhances risk awareness among contractors who often work in high-risk environments. The training generates awareness of how to deal with hazards of various kinds in the industry. The aim of this course is to improve the safety culture and reduce accidents in the workplace.

It takes about two hours to complete SSG Contractor Safety USA – Basic Orientation. You can take the training anywhere, anytime, as long as an internet connection is available. The course ends with a final test with certification, and a diploma is issued afterward. Results are valid for three years.

1. Register company 2. Add users 3. Assign courses 4. Follow up



Step 1. Register Company

To be able to take part in the Contractor Safety course you need to follow these instructions:
First, you need to fill in the application form regarding your Company for SSG Contractor Safety here
Please note, that due to time differences, the processing time might vary since we are located in Sweden (CET+1). When we have received the application, we will register your company within 8-16 working hours. An e-mail with login information will be sent to you, or the one you entered as the administrator. See next steps for adding users and assigning courses 

Payment and Billing

The cost for the SSG Contractor Safety USA – Basic Orientation is $150 per registered user. The local courses are included without cost. 
Note. Invoice payment must be made by bank transfer or via https://pay.ssgsolutions.com/ – check payment is not accepted.

Register company


Step 2. Add users

As the administrator, you are authorized to add employees and assign a role to them. 

Follow the instructions below:  

  1. Sign in here to manage courses and users.
  2. From the “Overview” in Learning Admin, click on the first step shown “Invite users”.
  3. Enter “First name” and “Last name” and then click on “Continue”.

  4. Enter “Email” or “Phone” (SMS), select “Department”, select “Language” and then “Send invite”.

The invited course participant will finish their registration at logon and can then continue to perform any courses that have been assigned/bought by the company administrator.

Add users


Step 3. Assign courses

The administrator can assign a course to the employees.

Follow the instructions below:

  1. Sign in here to manage courses and users.
  2. At the “Overview” in Learning Admin, click on “Assign courses”.
  3. Select the field “Plant” and search for “Charleston”, the courses required will be shown.
  4. Select shown courses using the “➕” icon and then “Next” in the upper right corner.
  5. Select course participant(s), newly invited will be shown under the “Most recent users” quick menu.
  6. Select or mark users in the same manner as for courses and then click “Next”.
  7. Accessories are not required, continue to the next page by clicking on “Next”.
  8. Review the order, add needed information, read and approve the purchase agreement (mark checkbox) and click on “Confirm order”. 

The course is now assigned to selected participants and a notification is sent to the registered e-mail address or phone number. The invoice will be sent to your “Invoice address”, pay either by bank transfer or via credit card at https://pay.ssgsolutions.com/ .

Assign course


Step 4. Follow up

As an
 administrator, you can monitor your userscourse progression.

 Follow the instructions below:

  1. Sign in here to manage courses and users.
  2. Click on Courses in the left menu.
  3. In “Learning Admin”, click on “Courses”.
  4. The easiest way to see all courses per person is to enter the name of the course participant in the field “Search” and it will automatically show the users that match the entered name.
  5. You can also filter by “State” and then “Assigned” to show users who haven’t yet performed assigned courses. Once a course is passed it will show the state “Approved”.
  6. The list of users and their course status can also easily be exported by first clicking on “Generate CVS” once, wait until the button changes the text to “Download CSV”. Click again and a file named “OverviewTrainings_yyyy-mm-dd” will be downloaded and can be opened via Excel or any other app that can open the CVS format.

Follow course progression

Are you taking a course?

Click below to sign in and start your assigned course.

Start Course


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Weekdays 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM (EDT)


How do I sign in? How do I start the course? You find the answers to the frequently asked questions in our FAQ forum. You can also ask questions directly to us.

Welcome to contact our support if you have a question, concern or need help with our services.

SSG will process your personal data in accordance with SSG's data protection policy.