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Standard Solutions Group

Within SSG's sawmill network, knowledge and experience are shared in work environment issues to improve the work environment at sawmills and make these workplaces safer.

In 2019, SSG started a network in the sawmill industry. It all started because the sawmill industry – for many years, has had high accident rates and was highest in the statistics for occupational accidents with absence during the years 2008–2018. Therefore, the network started to share knowledge and experience in the work environment-field and develop the safety culture and work proactively – to reduce the number of accidents and illnesses in the industry. Employers in the industry want to reduce accident statistics, have a better working environment and be an attractive employer.

Our vision: Create accident-free and healthy workplaces and encourage collaboration in work environment issues.

Participants in the network:

  • Anders Grankvist, Södra Wood, chairman
  • Anders Magnusson, Svenskt Trätekniskt Forum STTF (deputy)
  • Anna Fredriksson, Stora Enso Ala sågverk
  • Cecilia Wahlberg, Setra Trävaror
  • Eric Höglund, Biometria
  • Fredrik Sundmar, Stora Enso Gruvöns sågverk
  • Gustav Roslund, SCA Wood
  • Joakim Junttila, Setra Trävaror
  • Karin Bennbom, Industriarbetsgivarna
  • Michael Lundqvist, Holmen Wood Products 
  • Nicklas Åberg, Holmen Wood Products 
  • Niklas Norén, Norra Skog
  • Shkelzen Berisha, Moelven Notnäs Ransby 
  • Tomas Ivarsson, Svenskt Trätekniskt Forum STTF
  • Åsa Dahlfors,  Industriarbetsgivarna (deputy)
  • Christel Benke, SSG

Are you interested in joining the network, or do you want to know more? Contact us!

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