
Project Staffing

Your project management just got easier

- Electronic staff ledger
- Manage main and sub-projects in one system
- Attendance control and check-in and check-out
- Use directly on your mobile or computer

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See how your work can be simplified with Project Staffing

Do you want a simple solution to comply with the legal requirements for an electronic staff register?

According to Swedish law, you as a construction company must keep an electronic staff ledger*. This means that every day you must make a note in the staff ledger of who is working on your construction site. With the help of Project Staffing, we compile the data automatically, with a simple click you can make an extract for the project if the Swedish Tax Agency is visiting.

*Read more at skattverket.se

Project Staffing makes your workday easier

With the help of Project Staffing, it is easy for you at the site to create and get an overview of projects. It will also be easy for the contractors you connect and their employees who will be part of the project. You get an overview and information directly in your browser.

Project Staffing is an add-on in the communication app
 SSG On site

The app has over 1200 daily users in the industry and can be downloaded free of charge by visitors/staff via the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android).

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Staffing main and sub-projects

  • Staffing with internal and external personnel
  • Works for construction projects and other projects

Electronic staff ledger

  • Retrieve attendance status in the project (XML)
  • You get an overview of check-ins and check-outs in the project
  • See summary of total hours worked in the project

Access and other requirements

  • You can specify requirements for main and sub-projects
  • Everyone gets a simple and clear picture of what applies in all phases of the project - It is also linked to the Access support system for access requirements

Connecting new businesses

  • Clear overview of companies working in the project
  • Add contact persons to the main contractor
  • The main contractor can add subcontractors to the project

Clarity directly in the app

  • You get all the important information for each individual project directly on your mobile
  • Status of the project, access requirements for companies and individuals
  • See who the contact persons are for the different phases of the project
  • Communicate directly to everyone staffed on the project

Check-in and check-out

  • Staff can check in and out through:
    – The app (SSG On site)
    – The website
    – Existing access systems (REST-API)

I want to know more about Project Staffing

Are you interested in learning more about Project Staffing, or would you like to receive a quote?
Contact us through the form and one of our colleagues will contact you.

SSG will process your personal data in accordance with SSG's data protection policy.